David Litman

CAMERA Report: Ivy League Propaganda – How Brown University Radicalized Students After October 7

Since the end of 2023, the extent of anti-American, anti-Israel, and antisemitic radicalism on college campuses has become an issue of national importance. In Congress, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce has even launched an investigation as “antisemitic mobs rule over so-called elite universities…” How did we get here? A new CAMERA study, “Ivy League Propaganda: How Brown University Radicalized Students After October 7,” helps answer this question.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Amnesty et al’s Dictionary for Jews

The journalists aren’t revealing truths, nor are the activists righting real injustices. Their actions, in redefining words as applied to Jews, reveal their ideological motivations, for which they are willing to alter reality itself.

The Real Threat to Academic Freedom at Cornell University

Academic freedom is an important value that must be protected. That includes protection against those who would exploit their freedom to undermine academic integrity and the academic freedom of others from within. At Cornell University, that threat is emerging.

Once Again, CNN Hides the Facts on West Bank Violence

CNN's Kareem Khadder and Sana Noor Haq’s omissions demonstrate an unmistakable bias. They work to erase the violence of Palestinians while depicting Israelis as needlessly violent and oppressive. For media consumers seeking straightforward and honest reporting, CNN is clearly not the answer.

CNN Breaks its Credibility Over Breaking the Silence Allegations

Once again, CNN journalists make – in their own words – a horrific allegation against Israeli soldiers. Predictably, the allegation – that Israeli soldiers are using Palestinians as human shields – is short on credible evidence. Instead of acting like professional journalists, the authors act as partisan activists like the ones making the accusation.

CNN Journalists Erase Israel’s Enemies and their Crimes

Whether writing about 1948 or 2024, some CNN journalists have a hard time acknowledging Palestinian and Arab aggression against Israel. Perhaps it’s because they aren’t interested in reporting the truth. Perhaps they’re simply interested in advancing a partisan narrative.

CNN Uncritically Amplifies a Kangaroo Court

Merriam-Webster defines the term “kangaroo court” as “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” There is no more apt term for the United Nations’s Commission of Inquiry (COI) against Israel, which has long dispensed with any pretense of being fair, impartial, or objective. So why did CNN’s Niamh Kennedy and Muhammad Darwish treat the COI as if its conclusions carried any respectability?

CNN Hides Iran’s Genocidal Ambitions

As Iran and its terrorist proxies wage war against the Jewish state, CNN owes its audience the truth about Iran’s goal: the destruction of the Jewish state. This is especially so when Iran itself states it publicly.