The Keene Sentinel, which serves Southern New Hampshire has published numerous letters accusing Israel of harvesting Palestinian organs and of responsibility for the 9-11 attacks.
TV chef Anthony Bourdain's September 15th, 2013, episode of his international cuisine series was supposed to be about Jerusalem, but instead it was taken over by Palestinian grievance theater.
TV chef Anthony Bourdain's September 15th, 2013, episode of his international cuisine series was supposed to be about Jerusalem, but instead it was taken over by Palestinian grievance theater.
Recent upheaval in the Middle East has undermined the long-held dogma holding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict responsible for the region's instability. Years of preoccupation with the Palestinians has left the media with a lot of catching up to do.
5 Towns Jewish Times of Nassau County, Long Island, published a JNS/CAMERA Op-Ed exposing biased educational materials used to teach about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an upscale Boston suburb.
Op-Ed in The Jewish Advocate describes the continuing problem of inaccurate and biased educational materials used to teach students about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Newton high schools.
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War By James L. Gelvin
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Educators teaching students about Islam, the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict often turn for help to academics who promote an anti-Israel agenda that misinforms students.
Educators teaching students about Islam, the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict often turn for help to academics who promote an anti-Israel agenda that misinforms students.