Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


CiF Watch Prompts Telegraph Correction on Western Wall

CiF Watch, a CAMERA affiliate, has prompted a correction on a Telegraph article which had incorrectly identified the Western Wall as Judaism's holiest site. The Temple Mount is Judaism's most sacred site.

CAMERA Prompts Ha’aretz Correction on Gaza Imports

CAMERA withdraws a complaint from the Israel Press Council after Ha'aretz corrects an article which had wrongly reported that Israel barred concrete and steel from entering the Gaza Strip for the last six years.

CiF Watch Prompts Correction on Prisoner Sperm Story

CiF Watch, a CAMERA affiliate, has prompted correction of a Guardian article which had downplayed the crime of a Palestinian prisoner whose sperm was reportedly smuggled out of an Israeli jail.

CiF Watch Prompts Correction on Fisk Op-Ed

CiF Watch, a CAMERA affiliate, has prompted a correction on an Independent Op-Ed by Robert Fisk in which he had falsely claimed that Benjamin Netanyahu called Hassan Rouhani an "anti-Semite."

BBC Clarifies: Netanyahu Has Called Abbas Peace Partner

After CAMERA and its affiliate BBC Watch highlighted a falsehood in Lyse Doucet's interview of Shimon Peres, and after a reader filed a complaint with the BBC, the broadcaster appended a correction to their Web site.

AP Amends Map With Golan Heights

Following communication from CAMERA's Israel office, AP editors amend an online map which had placed the Golan Heights within Syria.

CAMERA Prompts CNN Correction on Jerusalem

In response to correspondence from CAMERA staff, CNN editors correct an article which incorrectly reported that eastern Jerusalem had been annexed from "the Palestinian territories."