Chief PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat Attempts to Peddle Misinformation on CNN

The media generally covers up or even justifies Palestinian rejection of peace with Israel, but CNN interviewer Becky Anderson just challenged Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat's false claim that the Palestinians were never consulted or contacted about President Trump's peace plan.

CNN, Trump, the Kurds, Normandy – and Israel?

After President Trump announced his controversial decision to pull some US troops from Northern Syria, placing the Kurds at risk, Brooke Baldwin tried to drag Israel into the discussion. She should first brush up on the history of the Jewish Brigade's support for the Allies during WWII, and the collaboration between Palestinian leaders and the Nazis.

CNN Rewrites History of 1948, 1967 Wars

UPDATED: CAMERA prompts correction after CNN's Sam Kiley absurdly claimed that Israel fought in the 1948 and 1967 wars "to expand territory." In fact, Israel fought to prevent Arab campaigns to annihilate the Jewish state.