Last month in Amsterdam, gangs turned a soccer match into a horrifying "Jew hunt," chasing and savagely beating victims. Instead of condemning the violence, some media outlets spread baseless claims to excuse it. What really happened reveals an alarming narrative and the persistence of antisemitism. Watch the full story here.
After last week’s “Jew hunt” in Amsterdam, anti-Israel activists rushed to excuse the brutal assaults. If Israelis and Jews across the city were beaten down and kicked while lying defenseless and unconscious, the focus, they insisted, should be on Jewish behavior. The media soon joined in.
More than 80 North American news outlets publish an Associated Press correction prompted by CAMERA after the wire service falsely reported that the civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 40,000. The scores of corrections are the most that CAMERA has prompted at once from a single wire service story.
NBC's Richard Engel conceals that slain teen Taha Mahmeed was a Hamas member who was engaged in clashes with Israeli troops and neglects to report the existence of an explosives lab and weapons cache.
NBC falsely reports that Secretary of State Blinken encouraged Israel "not to target civilians." While the US administration urges Israel to minimize civilian casualties and to allow humanitarian assistance, it knows full well that Israel, unlike Hamas, does not target civlians. And, no, the Palestinian Authority does not control the Rafah crossing. Hamas does.
Even as international media outlets answered the call to improve coverage of Palestinian fatalities by noting that those killed by Israeli fire in Jenin last week were confirmed combatants, Israeli daily Haaretz failed to update its English and Hebrew-language reports with this highly relevant information.
CAMERA prompts an NBC correction clarifying that Jewish settlements are located on disputed land that Palestinians hope will form part of a future state.
CAMERA prompts correction of an NBC story which erroneously stated that newly uncovered Dead Sea Scrolls had been found in the West Bank. In fact, they were found within Israel's pre-1967 armistice line, or "Green Line."
An episode of the program “Nurses” featured offensive caricatures of Hasidic Jews, portraying them as both bigoted and anti-science; meanwhile, Joy Reid repeats the debunked vaccine libel.