Tamar Sternthal

Facts Get Away in Forbes’ Gaza Fisherwoman Story

If Elizabeth MacBride's article about Gaza fisherwoman Madeleine Kulab is any indication, accuracy and content quality are left to sink in Forbes' blog-based model of "entrepreneurial journalism."

Travel to Alternative Jerusalem Reality in International New York Times (Updated)

An International New York Times feature today features a Jerusalem tour "billed as 'doco-theatrical journeys' into alternative realities." The alternative reality of Jerusalem which journalist Debra Kamin describes unrecognizable. Editors are following up on CAMERA's concerns.

Sept. 15 update: CAMERA prompts correction.

AP Reports Like, Instead of About, Breaking the Silence

It is one thing for a serious news organization to write about a project affiliated with Breaking the Silence. But in its report on author Colm Toibin's Hebron visit, AP adopts the much-criticized NGO's controversial narrative.

New York Times, Palestinian Assailants and Suspect Journalism

Most Palestinians killed in recent months wounded or killed others, or died trying to do so. So why does The New York Times ignore the successful assailants, and characterize the majority of fatalities as having "attempted" attacks or as being "suspected" of trying?