NPR Promotes Palestinian Narrative on Jerusalem

Nowhere is NPR's skewed reporting as obvious as in its coverage of Jerusalem. Misrepresentations about Israeli policy in Jerusalem were followed by a broadcast that bolstered the Hamas pretext for rocketing population centers inside Israel – namely, the “defense” of Jerusalem and Al Aqsa.

NPR Slipping Back to Its Anti-Israel, Biased Reporting

In July so far, NPR aired at least three problematic reports, that shared a common thread –  omitting context and hearing from anti-Israel activists to blame Israel for dispossessing and discriminating against Palestinians and stirring conflict. It was a throwback to the NPR of the past.

NPR Misleads Three Times on Hamas Arson Attacks

CAMERA has called on NPR to acknowledge Hamas’s arson attacks in the headline, to amend as passage suggesting uncertainty about the purpose of the Israeli counterstrikes, and to correct a straightforward chronological error that wrongly claims the arson attacks were a response to an earlier march.

NPR Misleads on Vaccines for Palestinian Prisoners

NPR's Daniel Estrin grossly misleads, falsely suggesting that Israel withheld the coronavirus vaccine from Palestinian prisoners even as other prisoners received the jab. In fact, Palestinian prisoners have been in the exact same position as other prisoners with respect to access to the vaccine.

NPR Fabricates News Hook To Revive Apartheid Canard

With Israeli plans to apply sovereignty in parts of the West Bank in deep freeze since September, NPR relies on a flimsy pretext to level the baseless apartheid smear at the Jewish state, falsely claiming that the plan prompted an Israeli "debate" about whether West Bank Palestinians live under apartheid.