Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


Iran and Reuters: Inhabiting the Nuclear and Journalistic Abyss

UPDATE: After originally casting Iranian threats to annihilate Israel as nothing more than an Israeli claim, and ignoring the deep skepticism of IAEA and Western powers about a peaceful Iranian nuclear program, Reuters steps back from the journalistic abyss, rectifying the article's initial egregious shortcomings.

UPDATED: The Media Erodes the Jewish Claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

The Western media has increasingly abetted Palestinian propaganda efforts to erase the Jewish claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Far too many journalists today accept the historic revisionism and political falsehoods put out by Palestinian activists and leaders and promote it with their own jargon and linguistic tricks.

Reuters Crams Gaza Residents into Refugee Camps

UPDATED: Reuters commendably corrects after erroneously reporting that most residents of the Gaza Strip live in refugee camps. According to the UN, around 25 percent reside in refugee camps.

Media Bury Terror Ties of Palestinian Fatalities

Flags cover the bodies of Palestinian fatalities, plainly confirming the deceased's terror organization membership. Despite the highly visible insignias, major Western news agencies cover up the Palestinian casualty's terror affiliations.