Since when did Fox News start carrying water for terror groups in the Gaza Strip? It’s a strange question that must be asked in light of the short segment broadcast by the network on March 5, 2019.
CAMERA sent a letter to Rev. Darrell Cates, Director of Conference and Church Relations for the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation about the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference he helped organize last year. In the letter, CAMERA challenged conference organizers to decide between "anti-normalization" and genuine peace activism.
Despite all the braggadocio from church leaders at the UCC’s 2015 General Synod about not profiting from Israeli companies that do business in the West Bank at their church’s 2015 General Synod, the denomination’s pension and endowment funds are still doing exactly that — four years later.
The Christ at the Checkpoint conferences are places where Western Christians are misinformed (sometimes willingly) by Palestinian Christians about what actually going on in Palestinian society.
Lutheran leaders and peacemakers, including Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton have a tough time mentioning Hamas's misdeeds in their public statements about the suffering in Gaza.
Gayle Harris, Suffragan Bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, has apologized for presenting unsubstantiated atrocity stories against Israel during her church’s General Convention in July.
Bishop Gayle Harris from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts is starting to backtrack on stories she told at her church's General Convention in July. Speaking at the House of Bishops on July 13, 2018, Harris said she was "there" when a 15-year-old boy was shot 10 times in the back. In a statement issued on Aug. 9, 2018, she admits she was passing the story on second hand when she told the story to her fellow Episcopalians in July.
The Christian Science Monitor recently published an article highlighting Israel's policy of helping Syrians injured as a result of the Syrian Civil War.
The World Council of Churches needs to explain why its activists in the Holy Land violate rules against engaging in political activism while in the Holy Land.
Contempt for Israeli Jews, especially those living in the West Bank, is sadly evident in the writings of Bruce N. Fisk, a well-known (and well-regarded) New Testament scholar, from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.