
13-Year Controversy Over Al Dura Incident Continues

An Israeli government review committee concluded that a Sept. 2000 France 2 broadcast alleging Israeli soldiers killed Mohammed Al Dura -- a claim which spawned intense hatred and violence against Israel -- had no basis in fact. This confirms what many skeptics have been contending all along, but has not laid the issue to rest.

Ha’aretz Corrects: No Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

CAMERA's Israel office prompts a correction today of the latest examples of "Ha'aretz, Lost in Translation." Two articles in the English edition last week falsely reported that Jews are permitted to pray on the Temple Mount.

Ha’aretz in English: Jews Can Pray on the Temple Mount

In the latest "Ha'aretz, Lost in Translation," the English edition falsely reports that Jewish prayer is permitted on the Temple Mount. This is an egregious error given that only Muslims are permitted to pray at the site.

AFP Misidentifies Israeli Stone-Throwers as Palestinian

Not for the first time, AFP botches captions about Israeli-Palestinian violence. In an unprecedented twist, however, the newest flubbed captions whitewash Israeli violence, misidentifying Israeli stone-throwers as Palestinian.

CAMERA Prompts Ha’aretz Correction on Prisoner Samer Issawi

Ha'aretz clarifies that Israeli officials were shocked by Samer Issawi's comparison of himself to Holocaust victims. They did not, as stated in the English edition, agree with it. How long will anonymous translators continue to invent with impunity?

Weekend Roundup of Ha’aretz Errors

Following two commendable corrections last week, Ha'aretz unfortunately continues to slip up with shoddy translations and sloppy reporting. Weekend errors pertain to Palestinian deaths and Holocaust Remembrance Day caption.

CAMERA Elicits Ha’aretz Clarification on Settlements

For the second consecutive day, CAMERA's Israel office prompts a correction in Ha'aretz. Today's clarification concerns a mistranslation which introduced the false claim that IDF officers must spend a week protecting illegal outposts.

CAMERA Prompts Corrections on Gideon Levy Column

In response to communication from CAMERA, Ha'aretz today commendably corrects, in Hebrew and English, Gideon Levy's false claim that according to Amnesty International "only 92 Palestinian fighters" were killed in Cast Lead.