David Litman

Errors Exposed in Harvard Clinic’s Submission to the UN

UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) and the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis  (CAMERA)  exposed numerous factual and legal errors in Harvard's International Human Rights Clinic's (IHRC) submission to the United Nations that slanderously accused Israel of being an apartheid state.

Velshi’s Rabid, Reckless Rant

When MSNBC has to excuse Velshi’s inaccuracies by claiming he wasn’t actually talking about factual reality, or that he was speaking overly broadly by using “shorthand,” that demonstrates the profound recklessness with which Velshi treats facts and accuracy.

Mehdi Hasan’s Inconsistent Standards

Hasan’s comments highlight a reality about much of anti-Israel activism. Criticism of Israel isn’t so much based on what Israel does or doesn’t do, as the activists will find a way to criticize it either way. Instead, criticism of Israel is about its existence in the first place.

Muna El-Kurd: Jews are Zionist Dogs, and ‘Palestine’ Should Be Ethnically Cleansed of Them

The statement also exposes the emptiness of the supposed “principles” of individuals like El-Kurd. While openly calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews, her social media accounts are replete with cries to “#EndEthnicCleansing.” It’s yet another example of how much of anti-Israel activism is not about principled human rights, but about the destruction of the Jewish state and the denial of Jewish self-determination.