
Cloud of Questions Over Ha’aretz’s White Phosphorous Story

Ha'aretz's most prominent headline and lead story today claim an Israeli government reports says that two army officers were disciplined "for using white phosphorous." In fact, the report said the reprimand was for unjustified artillery fire.

Ha’aretz’s Ode to an ‘Apartheid Road’

CAMERA photographs Palestinian private cars, taxis, buses, trucks and pedestrians on Route 505 in the West Bank, dubbed "an exemplary apartheid road -- for Jews only" by Ha'aretz's Noam Ben-Zeev.

Amira Hass, the Samouni Family, and the Pursuit of Truth

Ha'aretz's Amira Hass yesterday was honored with a prestigious award for her "pursuit of the truth." But her extensive coverage of the Samouni family deaths demonstrates a practice of reporting interviewees' contradictory and discredited claims at face value.

Ha’aretz Senseless on Gaza

Ha’aretz again launches a campaign of erroneous accusations about Israel, this time concerning restrictions on goods entering the Gaza Strip. Among this week's falsehoods: Israel prohibits the entry of diapers and toilet paper and has just one crossing to transfer goods.

Charges of IDF “Wanton Killing” Crumble

The brigade commander of the unit linked to alleged “wanton killings” in Gaza launched his own investigation after hearing of the charges. He spoke with actual eyewitnesses who said that the alleged killings did not take place.

Pulse on Gaza’s Medical Situation

CAMERA examines claims and counter-claims in the media about the condition of Gaza's medical system, and takes Ha'aretz's Amira Hass to task for her one-sided reporting.

Ha’aretz Radical Mainstreamed in LAT

The Los Angeles Times' Ashraf Khalil dresses up fringe Israeli writer Gideon Levy as "one prominent Israeli" whose views are as newsworthy as Tzipi Livni's, Benjamin Netanyahu's, or Ehud Olmert's.