CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Covers for UNRWA, Again

Compelling evidence has emerged indicating that UNRWA employees took part in the October 7 massacre. As CAMERA tells the Algemeiner, this is part of a long-standing pattern at the UN agency. The Washington Post, however, ignores the long history, and sordid mission, of UNRWA.

Another CNN Report on Gaza Based on Little Evidence, No Context, But Lots of Insinuation

As CAMERA has repeatedly documented, there is a pattern of CNN reports lobbing horrific allegations at Israel based on exceedingly thin evidence and lots of insinuation. It’s a standard, or practice, akin to tabloid journalism – a standard certainly not appropriate for serious journalism or serious accusations like that of war crimes.

MSNBC: Four Months of Disinformation

Common distortions include omitting the 2005 disengagement from Gaza and the subsequent election of a group sworn to Israel's destruction to power in the territory, promoting anti-Israel propagandists, and ignoring the numbers of casualties that are reported to be Hamas fighters. In addition, at least two commentators called on the US to force Israel essentially to surrender.

CNN’s Investigations: Biased Expert Analysis

Expert analysis, when used properly, can help audiences contextualize factual reporting. But when used improperly, it can mislead audiences by exaggerating or downplaying certain details to fit into a preconceived narrative. Repeatedly, CNN’s investigations have fallen into the latter category by portraying demonstrably biased “experts” as neutral sources.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Messages Behind Israel’s Beirut Strike

An Israeli strike in Beirut took out top Hamas operatives, including Saleh Al-Arouri. CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner that the strike is about more than eliminating a top Hamas commander, it is also about sending a message to terrorists: those responsible for October 7th will be held accountable.

CNN’s Investigations: Omitting Exculpatory Information

Good investigative journalism is journalism at its best. Unfortunately, that kind of good journalism is rare at CNN. Rather than producing impartial, professional investigations, many of the network’s journalists are acting as one-sided prosecutors when it comes to Israel.