Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

CAMERA Seeks Clarification from Los Angeles Times on ‘Terror’ Terminology

CAMERA awaits a response from the Los Angeles Times concerning the paper's usage of the word "terrorist." Articles dealing with Iraq and Spain repeatedly refer to the attackers, or suspected attackers, as "terrorist/s," while coverage of Palestinian perpetrators of attacks on civilians did not use the word "terrorist."

Washington Post Knotted Up Over Terrorism

Washington Post Ombudsman Michael Getler again attempts to defend the paper's general refusal to use the term terrorism to describe Palestinian attacks against Israelis. Getler ties himself in knots defending the Post for describing as terrorism the alleged Al Qaeda train bombings in Madrid, while refusing to identify similarly the Ashdod suicide bombings.

Coverage of Unwitting Palestinian Boy-Bomber

The exploitation of Palestinian children in attacks against Israel is a troubling trend which deserves media coverage. Yet, some news outlets did not even cover the story of 11-year-old Abdullah Quran. Others, most notably the Boston Globe and MSNBC's "The Abrams Report," gave the incident the prominence it deserved.

Media Misses Key Aspects of Gaza Attack

By publishing Raeem Al-Raiyshi's “martyr” photo and highlighting her motherhood, too many media reports are inadvertently glorifying the female terrorist who killed four Israelis at the Erez checkpoint in Gaza on Wednesday, January 14. At the same time, many reports so far have failed to explore two key aspects of her attack.

Confusing Murder and Martyrdom at ABC

In an otherwise informative report on ABC World News Tonight (Jan. 14) about Raeem Al-Raiyshi, the female suicide bomber who killed four Israelis after duping guards to let her bypass the metal detectors at a checkpoint, correspondent Hilary Brown referred to Raiyshi's choice of "martydom" over motherhood. "It seems she loved martyrdom more [than her children]," Ms. Brown concluded.


BBC’s Robin Lustig did a retrospective feature on the Oslo peace accords which aired on World Service News Hour on October 24, 2003 and appeared in article form on the BBC website. In both, Lustig distorted the facts to blame Israel.

Selective Memories: Anti-U.S. Incitement and Prior Murders Omitted

Reporting the October 15, 2003 bombing in the Gaza Strip with little or no reference to this history falsely implies that the bombing represents something new in Palestinian attitudes. Terrorism against Americans is the inevitable result of years of anti-American incitement in the Palestinian media and mosques.