Allegations and Libels

The Al Dura Affair: France 2 Misleads About U.S. Congressional Report

The name "Mohammed Al Dura" has become synonymous with Palestinian "martydom," thanks to the deceptive news coverage of  France 2. Rather than admitting its guilt in broadcasting a false report, the French government-owned network is mired in a deceptive cover-up. In an email viewer, France 2 falsely alleged that an "authoritative American opinion" by the US government "discredits" the IDF conclusion that Al Dura was not killed by Israeli bullets.

Norman Finkelstein’s Fraudulent Scholarship

Campus anti-Israel activists copy many of their arguments from Norman Finkelstein, a DePaul University political science professor who never forgets to mention that his parents were Holocaust survivors. Despite his trappings of scholarshop, Finkelstein's work has been marred by grave factual inaccuracies, omissions, and extreme bias.

AFP Promotes Propaganda on Gaza Water Issues

An Agence France Press article by Safaa Kanj about water shortages and contamination in Gaza suffered from one-sidedness, distortions and factual inaccuracies. The writer consulted only Palestinian sources, put the onus entirely on Israel (mostly incorrectly) for water scarcity problems,  and ignored any information which implicated the Palestinians or which portrayed Israel in a positive light.

Wire Services Blame Israel in Disputed Incident

Wire stories yesterday from the Agence France Presse and Associated Press blame Israel for killing a 20-year-old Palestinian in an incident which is now under dispute. The Israeli army says that their Palestinian counterparts informed them the young man was a victim of an internal Palestinian feud.

AFP’s Timeline of Bias

Judging by some of today's AFP reports, timeliness came at the expense of objective reporting. The timeline entitled "Major events in Palestinian history" whitewashes Palestinian Arab violence and responsibility for the conflict.

Oprah Winfrey Shows Bias

In the forefront of defending women's rights worldwide, Oprah takes a one-sided approach on the Mideast conflict

Sensational AP Report Misleads on Israeli Raid

On Thursday, Aug. 25, 2005, an Israeli hit-squad opened fire on a group of Palestinians without provocation, killing five in a gangland-style attack. Or, at least, that is what an extremely misleading Associated Press news story would have you believe.