Conflict and War

Charges of IDF “Wanton Killing” Crumble

The brigade commander of the unit linked to alleged “wanton killings” in Gaza launched his own investigation after hearing of the charges. He spoke with actual eyewitnesses who said that the alleged killings did not take place.

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Jimmy Carter noticeably toned down his rhetoric in his most recent book; but the text – an obvious attempt to sanitize Hamas’ hostility and violence – is still filled with errors of fact and marred by egregious omissions.

UNRWA’s Omissions Distort Coverage of Jabaliya Tragedy

UNRWA officials, John Ging (left) and Chris Gunness helped perpetuate the false story that Israel had shelled the Fakhoury UNRWA school in Gaza. Ging admits he knew none of the dead were on the school grounds.

Gaza Casualties: Civilian or Combatant?

The Israeli army has published figures claiming 70 percent of the Palestinians killed in the Gaza fighting were combatants. This contradicts Palestinian claims that most of the dead were unarmed civilians. CAMERA's analysis found 3/4 of the fatalities were adult males.

Hamas Manipulates UN with Dubious Casualty Figures

The United Nations humanitarian chief seems unaware that Hamas cynically uses the Western media — and humanitarian officials — to spread the misinformation it disseminates for propaganda purposes.