Conflict and War

Who Broke the Ceasefire? CNN’s “Fact Check” Falls Short

CNN's Rick Sanchez promised "fact checking" of anti-Israel charges, "fairly [and] honestly." In fact CNN's incompetent research just compounded the errors. Viewers hoping for accurate coverage of the Middle East would do well to avoid Sanchez, and his co-anchor Jim Clancy, like the plague.

In Gaza Conflict, Context is Key

As in the Hezbollah War of 2006, in today's Gaza conflict some reporters, such as CNN's Rick Sanchez, shift the story to alleged "disproportionate" Israeli attacks, with a false focus on relative losses by the parties.

Behind the Scenes of CNN Bias II: Amanpour

In a "Behind the Scenes" piece about the Dalai Lama, Christiane Amanpour manages to reference the Arab-Israeli conflict. This strained detour, which paints a false analogy between the situations in Tibet and the Middle East, emphasizes the Palestinian perspective of the conflict.

Sabeel’s Demonizing Liturgy

Sabeel's “Contemporary Way of the Cross” turns a dishonest narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict into an object of religious devotion.

CNN Rebroadcasts “God’s Jewish Warriors” with Revisions

On October 31, CNN rebroadcast "God's Jewish Warriors" for the first time since late August. While serious factual errors identified by CAMERA were addressed and many editorial changes made, the fundamentally dishonest premise of the series remains.

Exposing Mazin Qumsiyeh’s Falsehoods

The Brookline Tab carried a CAMERA guest commentary on Palestinian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh (Oct. 4, 2007), exposing his extremist message. 

A New National Geographic Documentary With An Old Skew

Many Israel-related articles appearing in the National Geographic Society's magazine in the past 15 years have contained false history and partisan political statements disparaging the Jewish nation. The trend continues on NG's cable TV channel.

Playboy: Pictures and Propaganda

Jonathan Tasini's comments on Israel are not anti-Semitic. They're just wrong. And by turning to this anti-Israel partisan to "inform" its readers about the Middle East, Playboy does damage to its own credibility.

CAMERA Letter Clarifies Reason for Palestinian Refugees

The letter in the Washington Times notes that, were it not for the Arab rejection of U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 and the initiation by Israel's neighbors of a war of extermination, there would be no Palestinian refugees.