Conflict and War

Border-line Improvement at BBC “Obstacles” Series

Of all the installments of Martin Asser's "Obstacles to Peace" series, the "Borders and Settlements" section is the most balanced. Though it lacks the vitriolic language of the other reports, it nevertheless has serious shortcomings.

At LA Times, ‘Chronology’ Redefined

In July 2006, Los Angeles Times correctly reported that Hezbollah was the first to launch projectiles in last summer's war. Since then, the newspaper has twice refused to correct erroneous claims that Israel was the first to fire.

Kristof’s Blame-Israel Rant

Nicholas Kristof argues that U.S. politicians "have learned to muzzle themselves" on Israel and such "silence harms America." But he himself keeps mum on key information that contradicts his argument.

PC(USA) Promotes “Propaganda” Film

The Presbyterian Church (USA)'s General Assembly rescinded its previous decision to target Israel for "phased, selective divestment" in 2006, but its leaders are still offering a distorted narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict.

False Israeli “Massacre” Story Resurrected

 A documentary on Israeli state TV has triggered a new furor over a debunked charge the IDF massacred POW's during the 6 Day War. In reality, the IDF treated wounded POW's.