Conflict and War

Study of New York Times Coverage Severely Flawed

A "study" by an anti-Israel group claims that New York Times coverage is anti-Palestinian. A closer look proves this claim, along with the pseudoscientific study which produced it, is absurd.

Syndicated Propaganda

Though Edmund Hanauer, director of Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, routinely speaks of "justice" and "peace," the word "misinformation" more accurately describes his attacks against Israel, and his most recent column is no exception.

USA Today’s Arafat Obituary Distorts History

Yasir Arafat is buried as he lived, in a shroud of lies. These include lies of commission, omission and of minor facts used to obscure larger truths. Common in coverage of Arafat's death, they stem from uncritical acceptance of conventional wisdom as much as from any intent to deceive. But they are nonetheless dangerous, contributing to revisionist Arab-Israeli history.

Charley Reese: Osama’s Mouthpiece

In his recent op-ed, syndicated columnist Charley Reese proclaims terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden a truth-teller, labels President Bush a liar, and disseminates outright errors and propaganda concerning the Jewish state and Ariel Sharon.