
CAMERA Prompts Corrections on Gideon Levy Column

In response to communication from CAMERA, Ha'aretz today commendably corrects, in Hebrew and English, Gideon Levy's false claim that according to Amnesty International "only 92 Palestinian fighters" were killed in Cast Lead.

UPDATED: CNN Ignores Hit Jeep, Injured Israelis

In response to communication from CAMERA, CNN editors vastly improve yesterday's egregious coverage of Gaza violence which had omitted mention of Israeli injured, had stated that an Israeli army jeep was "target[ed]" whereas it was actually hit, and had reversed cause and effect.

CAMERA Prompts Correction on Hamas Op-Ed in LA Times

CAMERA staff elicited a correction on a Los Angeles Times Op-Ed by top Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook. The error and today's correction, concerning the number of Israelis killed by Palestinians during the lull, follow:

Ray Hanania Responds to CAMERA Critique

Ray Hanania is a syndicated columnist whose articles regularly appear in the Chicago Daily Herald. CAMERA has frequently received complaints about the writer's work and has, on occasion, published critiques of it. Below is Mr. Hanania's response to a CAMERA critique: