Conflict and War

The World’s Version of Mideast History

From May 20 through May 24, 2002, The World's Patrick Cox presented a five-part special report entitled "A Middle East History," where he attempted to sum up the complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in brief soundbytes, drawing heavily on Arab propaganda claims, omitting relevant information, and skewing the facts.

Critical Thinking: Can You Trust Everything You Read?

Current Events, a mini-magazine for middle school students which describes itself as "a leader in the educational field," carried a Special Report entitled "Will Violence Engulf the Middle East," which included many serious factual errors and distortions.

Viewers’ Guide to the History Channel’s “Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty”

A History Channel program charges that the US and Israel have covered up the facts behind the attack by Israeli jets and torpedo boats on a US intelligence-gathering ship during the 1967 Six Day War. Since the attack certain crewmen of the Liberty have charged that Israel deliberately and knowingly attacked the US ship, and have advanced increasingly complicated and even bizarre theories to explain Israel's alleged motivation for such an act.