Manipulation of Statistics

BBC-WATCH: BBC Blames Israel Again

The two homicide bombings that rocked the Middle East on August 19, 2003 – targeting in Baghdad UN workers who had come to rebuild the country, and in Jerusalem Jewish families with young children returning from prayer at the Western Wall – elicited early sympathetic reaction on BBC. But it didn’t take very long for the network’s Web site to start implying fault on Israel’s part.

B’Tselem, Los Angeles Times Redefine “Civilian”

Misrepresenting civilian deaths in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, guest columnist Rashid Khalidi erroneously reported June 17 in the Los Angeles Times that "The U.S. media regularly fail to mention that three times as many Palestinians as Israelis–most on both sides civilians–have been killed since September 2000, when the second intifada began" ("Can Hamas Cut a Deal for Peace?")

Teen Newsweek Readers Beware!

"Peace Under Fire: Palestinians and Israelis on the Brink of War," the cover story of an October 2000 edition of Teen Newsweek is filled with errors and distortions about the current Israeli-Palestinian clashes. This one-sided article allows students to read only Palestinian views, seriously miscaptions a gory photograph depicting the bloody hands of a Palestinian who took part in the murder of Israeli soldiers, and leaves out key information regarding the violence of the last few weeks.