CAMERA Letter Contradicts Baltimore Sun Editorial on Hamas-Fatah Unity

 The Baltimore Sun headlined a February 13 editorial "Mr. Abbas' mission; Unity between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority need not be the end of peace talks with Israel -- but it will require real statesmanship." CAMERA's next-day letter introduced Sun readers to the contradictory reality.

NPR Lament: Palestinians Watching Sesame Street Reruns

In an example highlighting NPR's biased news judgement, the network devoted a feature to lamenting the Congressional decision to withdraw funding for a Palestinian version of Sesame Street, but ignored the Mufti of Jerusalem's call to kill all  Jews.

BDS: A Smokescreen for Delegitimizing Israel

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaigns that crop up on campuses and at research institutions claim to promote human rights. In reality, BDS is a smokescreen for delegitimizing Israel.

Phyllis Bennis’ Israel Problem

Arguing in the Los Angeles Times Web site that Israel's "fundamental policy towards the Palestinians" is land "theft," Phyllis Bennis is compelled to ignore Israel's Gaza withdrawal and multiple offers to turn over almost the entire West Bank.

Ha’aretz and the Christmas Siege That Wasn’t

Ha'aretz music critic Noam Ben-Zeev once again writes about an imagined siege, this time in Bethlehem. He falsely claims that during the Christmas season, Palestinians may not enter or exit the city.

Defaming the Holocaust

On Dec. 24, 2010 the Jewish Advocate published an op-ed on the intent by Northeastern University's Holocaust Awareness Committee's to invite controversial Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir to speak at their annual Holocaust Commemoration event. Shamir produced the film Defamation which mocks Jewish concerns over anti-Semitism and accuses Jews of exploiting the Holocaust.

CAMERA Op-Ed: With Friends Like These

As condemnation of the Jewish state in the media becomes more and more extreme, those leveling the charges are proclaiming themselves to be the true friends of Israel.