CAMERA Op-Ed: Will Kent State Say ‘Enough’?

Julio Pino's cry of "Death to Israel," hurled at a visiting Israeli diplomat during a university forum, is not simply a matter of free speech, but a violation of university policy.

CAMERA Op-Ed in Washington Jewish Week

 So the Palestinian Authority wants U.N. membership to pursue Israel in international courts? A CAMERA Op-Ed in the Washington Jewish Week says PA officials should be careful what they wish far -- vulnerable as they are to many charges.

BBC Derails on Jerusalem Tram Story

Writing for the BBC, freelance travel writer Matthew Teller misleads readers about the history of Jerusalem, about international law, and about present-day Jerusalem with a story about the city's new light rail.

Ilan Pappé, Check Your Sources

Filmmaker Porter Speakman, Jr. retracts a Ben-Gurion quote obtained from Ilan Pappé's 2006 book because the sources do not check out.

AP’s Twisted Coverage of Direct Talks

An erroneous Associated Press statement this week that "Israelis and Palestinians have refused to hold any directs talks" is consistently contradicted by a year of AP articles which repeatedly demonstrate that Israel called for immediate, direct talks.

Reuters Cites Fringe Voices on UNESCO

Susan Cornwell's otherwise straightforward news account cited two far-left Jewish groups criticizing the U.S. de-funding of UNESCO and omitted statements, such as that by the mainstream Conference of Presidents, that applauded U.S. action.

Washington Post Airbrushes Exchanged Palestinian Prisoners

  The Washington Post prides itself on reporting news in depth, not merely transcribing what sources say. But when it followed up Palestinian terrorists exchanged for Sgt. Gilad Shalit, The Post's depth was shallow.

Anti-Israel Propaganda Creeps Into World of Grand Opera

The world of grand opera is not immune to the global spread of anti-Israel propaganda which manifests itself sometimes in the plot of a new opera and sometimes in a radical re-working of a venerable classic.

The Devil Lies in Details Washington Post Omits

 Compare The Washington Post's coverage of the Gilad Shalit/Hamas prisoner exchange to that of The Los Angeles Times. The Post stenographically copies Palestinian language -- "resistance," "military wing" and avoids telling details of Palestinian terrorism. The Los Angeles Times does better.

Praise for a Jew-Hater

Muhammed Sayyd Tantawi's status as an inveterate anti-Semite did not disqualify the late sheikh as the darling of inter-religious dialogue. He was lionized by the Vatican, the World Council of Churches and others before and after his death.