Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs (2005)

BBC/PBS Documentary Produced and Directed by Norma Percy 150 minutes
This BBC documentary spares no effort to portray the Palestinians as blameless victims and the Israelis as heartless oppressors. Ignoring most Palestinian terror attacks, and blaming the eventual Israeli response to those attacks for the demise of cease-fire efforts, is just one of the many techniques used by the filmmakers in their tendentious effort to indict Israel.

Oprah Winfrey Shows Bias

In the forefront of defending women's rights worldwide, Oprah takes a one-sided approach on the Mideast conflict

One Day in September (1999)

Directed by Kevin Macdonald Narrated by Michael Douglas English, German, B&W, Color 94 min
While Steven Spielberg’s 2005 film, "Munich," blurs the line between historical fiction and real events to tell the story of an Israeli hit team’s hunt for those involved in the 1972 Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes, this Academy Award-winning film focuses on the massacre itself through live film clips, news broadcasts and interviews with police, close relatives of victims, and the sole surviving perpetrator.

Despite Some Improvement, AP Misreporting Persists

The influential wire service is more responsive in correcting some factual errors, but continues to downplay attacks against Israelis. The Associated Press might be the single most influential news organization in the United States if numbers are the measure. The agency serves 1,700 newspapers and 5,000 radio and television stations nationally. Worldwide, over one billion people a day obtain news from the AP, according to the organization.

WASHINGTON POST-WATCH: From “Militant” to “Military”

In recent months the Washington Post has moved from typically referring to Palestinian terrorist groups as "militants," Unfortunately, the Post now typically refers to the "military leaders," "military wings," and "military" or "offensive operations" of these "armed groups" – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Fatah.

On BBC Website, Israeli Noise More Serious than Palestinian Terrorism

Following a long pattern of presenting stories which cast Israelis as aggressors responsible for Palestinian suffering rather than as victims of Palestinian violence, a November 3 BBC Web site article discussed the alleged threat to Palestinian women and children in Gaza by Israeli noise, never once mentioning the Israeli women and children who are daily threatened with death by Palestinian mortar and rocket attacks.

UPDATED: Washington Post: Hadera Terrorist Attack Report Accompanied by Photo of Terrorist’s Grieving Family

In an article about a terrorist bombing targeting Israeli civilians in Hadera, the Washington Post chose to illustrate the murders with a photo sympathetic to the terrorist (bomber's mother holding his photo) instead of photographs of the bomb scene and Israeli victims. Three days after CAMERA's Oct. 27 alert, the paper's ombudsman wrote a column stating that running that photo was a bad choice.