Charges of IDF “Wanton Killing” Crumble

The brigade commander of the unit linked to alleged “wanton killings” in Gaza launched his own investigation after hearing of the charges. He spoke with actual eyewitnesses who said that the alleged killings did not take place.

Gaza Casualties: Civilian or Combatant?

The Israeli army has published figures claiming 70 percent of the Palestinians killed in the Gaza fighting were combatants. This contradicts Palestinian claims that most of the dead were unarmed civilians. CAMERA's analysis found 3/4 of the fatalities were adult males.

Hamas Manipulates UN with Dubious Casualty Figures

The United Nations humanitarian chief seems unaware that Hamas cynically uses the Western media — and humanitarian officials — to spread the misinformation it disseminates for propaganda purposes.

King Gives Carter a Pass (Mostly)

The limitations of Larry King’s non-confrontational interview style became obvious during former President Jimmy Carter’s appearance on “Larry King Live.”

New Book, New Falsehoods

With the release of his new book, Jimmy Carter hits the television studios again, introducing new falsehoods about Israel and Hamas.

Hamas’s Palestinian Victims: Human Shields

As the media broadcast and discuss images of destruction in the Gaza Strip, it is essential that they recall, and alert the public to, Hamas's use of crowded and built up civilian areas as a base for attacking Israel.