Palestinian Intifadas

Newsweek: Palestinian Terror Campaign Caused by Israeli Attempt to End Palestinian Terror Campaign
A Newsweek feature insists the so-called "second intifada" was triggered by Israel recapturing Palestinian cities in the West Bank. That's like saying the attack on Pearl Harbor was triggered by the allied invasion of Normandy.
Economist Corrects Error on Hamas Suicide Bombing Campaign
The Economist claimed on Oct. 11 that Hamas suicide bombings were prompted by Baruch Goldstein's Hebron Mosque attack in 1994. CAMERA pointed out that Hamas had already initiated its suicide bombing campaign a year earlier.
CAMERA Prompts AP Correction on Temple Mount Visit
In response to CAMERA's communication with Associated Press editors, the wire service today corrected an error and a misrepresentation about Ariel Sharon's September 2000 visit to the Temple Mount. The original and updated, improved versions follow:
CAMERA Op-Ed: Stone-Throwing Chic at Time Magazine
Additional Corrections on the Palestinian Intifadas
The following is a list of additional corrections prompted by CAMERA on the Palestinian intifadas.