United Nations on Israel
Charley Reese: Osama’s Mouthpiece
In his recent op-ed, syndicated columnist Charley Reese proclaims terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden a truth-teller, labels President Bush a liar, and disseminates outright errors and propaganda concerning the Jewish state and Ariel Sharon.
CAMERA Letter in Boston Globe Clarifies Status of West Bank Land
UPDATED CAMERA ALERT: Inaccurate Terms in Coverage of Bush Statement
MSNBC.com Soars in Ratings, Sinks in Accuracy
An in-depth Web site feature often displayed with Middle East news stories on MSNBC.com includes sloppy errors and bias.
BBC-WATCH: BBC Injects Anti-Israel Focus in Baghdad-U.N. Story
CAMERA Letter-to-the-Editor Addresses Misconceptions about “Double Standards”
The allegation that the United States maintains a double standard with regard to its policies toward Iraq and Israel was echoed in a recent Washington Times column by veteran reporter and editor Arnaud de Borchgrave. De Borchgrave, who has extensive Middle East experience, repeated but did not analyze the allegations.
U.N. Resolutions on Iraq, Israel Not Comparable
In his March 21 column, Rami Khouri, executive editor of the Beirut-based Daily Star, misrepresents the facts concerning
Iraq, Israel and United Nations resolutions. He states that the Arab
world is aggrieved by "an Anglo-American armada to enforce U.N.
resolutions in Iraq, while applying no comparable political, economic or
military clout to implement 50-year-old U.N. resolutions on the Israeli
Palestinian conflict. . . ." ("For Arabs, a Cruel Echo of History").
CAMERA Op-Ed: Arab Rejectionism Fuels Conflict
Contrary to Elaine W. Shiber’s account of Israeli history, Israel has continuously pursued peace and has encountered Arab rejection and war. Like Americans, Israelis seek peace. Israelis, however, face a terrorist regime at their very doorstep. Tiny Israel, no larger than the state of New Jersey, is surrounded by 22 Arab nations that have launched four wars against it, in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73 and 2000.
CAMERA Op-Ed: ‘Righting’ the Facts
A commonly heard refrain among pro-Palestinian propagandists is that Israel repeatedly violates international declarations with U.S. financial and moral support and that the attacks of 9/11 and indeed, Muslim terrorism worldwide are a direct result of U.S. support for Israel.