UPDATED: Radical, Pro-Hamas “Flotilla” Seeks Media Win

Radical Europeans, far-left Americans and pro-Hamas Islamists may have little else in common, but they've come together for a week of agitprop called the "Freedom Flotilla" aimed at pressuring Israel to relax its naval embargo on Gaza. The question is will journalists report who the players really are and what they're up to? 

Gaza Flotilla Crisis Yields More Coverage, More Bias

In the aftermath of Israel's operation to prevent pro-Palestinian radicals from violating the naval blockade on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, media organizations are again focusing on Israel and its opponents in a way reminiscent of the onset of the second Palestinian "intifada."

Israel’s Right to Blockade Gaza and to Interdict Shipping

Under international law Israel is within its rights to establish a maritime blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, and to arrest "peace activists" on board vessels attempting to run the blockade, since Hamas is a hostile entity engaged in illegal armed confiict against Israeli civilians.

Anna Baltzer – Jewish Defamer of Israel

Anna Baltzer is a Jew who makes false charges against Israel. This puts her in high demand as a speaker at churches and universities who relish a Jew condemning Israel.

At LA Times Bilin Stone-Throwing is Nonviolent

In his article today about the allegedly peaceful and nonviolent Bilin demonstrations, Richard Boudreaux of the Los Angeles Times discounts the rock-throwers who have injured some 200 Israeli soldiers and border policemen.