Allegations and Libels

The BBC, the British Press, and the Attack on America

In much of the British press, the tragic and horrific events that shook the world on September 11, 2001 have been cynically used to further anti-Israel sentiment -and the Independent, the Guardian, the Observer, AND the BBC all carried news columns or commentary implicating Israel and U.S. support of Israel as a central cause for the terror attacks...

National Public Radio – All Bias, All the Time

National Public Radio reporters may not be fair or balanced when it comes to covering the Middle East, they may not be paragons of accuracy, or exemplars of journalistic ethics, but say this much for them – they are consistent.

Viewers’ Guide to the History Channel’s “Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty”

A History Channel program charges that the US and Israel have covered up the facts behind the attack by Israeli jets and torpedo boats on a US intelligence-gathering ship during the 1967 Six Day War. Since the attack certain crewmen of the Liberty have charged that Israel deliberately and knowingly attacked the US ship, and have advanced increasingly complicated and even bizarre theories to explain Israel's alleged motivation for such an act.