Allegations and Libels

The Unscholarly Scholar

Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, editor of the International Journal of Middle East Studies. makes politically motivated blunders.

Spy Stories

Allegations of Israeli Spying Usually Disappear -- Eventually.

Can the BBC Change?

With BBC's recent credibility troubles and its Royal Charter up for renewal, the network has had to re-examine its role in broadcasting and accountability to the public.

Time to Reopen Case on Geyer’s Hoaxes

Since the revelations of massive plagiarizing and fabrication by New York Times reporter Jayson Blair, editors at other publications have often been more willing to investigate the public's concerns about their own journalists.  This increased editorial rigor has resulted in the discovery of fabricated reports, some of them years old. It is time to reopen the case of syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer.

New York Sun Hits Tom Friedman Distortions

A May 18, 2004 editorial in the New York Sun identifies in detail blatant factual errors by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman in his May 13 column. The same writer's May 16 Op-Ed was further evidence of his penchant for distortion as he compared Jewish settlers in Israel to the violently radical Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr and his Mahdi army. 

Charley Reese: Osama’s Mouthpiece

In his recent op-ed, syndicated columnist Charley Reese proclaims terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden a truth-teller, labels President Bush a liar, and disseminates outright errors and propaganda concerning the Jewish state and Ariel Sharon.