Nicholas Kristof argues that U.S. politicians "have learned to muzzle themselves" on Israel and such "silence harms America." But he himself keeps mum on key information that contradicts his argument.
Fourteen members of the Carter Center advisory board have resigned after concluding that the Center’s founder, former president Jimmy Carter, has turned to "malicious advocacy" for the Palestinians and against Israel.
Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, a largely discredited report alleging that the "Israel lobby" has distorted the foreign policy of the United States to the point of serious damage to U.S. interests, appeared at a panel discussion sponsored by the radical Islamist group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).
Mike Wallace is back with a special interview of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a prime sponsor of Hezbollah who has personally threatened Israel with destruction while his country races to build atom bombs. The despot's extreme policies might suggest Wallace will give him a grilling, but history suggests otherwise: Wallace has a soft spot for anti-Israel dictators.
Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of "The Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy," the academic study widely faulted for shoddy scholarship and bias in its charge that supporters of Israel undermine American interests, repeated their false allegations on National Public Radio.
As Mike Wallace nears retirement, virtually all the retrospectives so far on his 43-year career at CBS News recall his reputation for tough interviews and the ability to get the story. The reputation may be deserved, in general, but at least one subject has tripped up the "60 Minutes" veteran continually over the years — Israel.
Campus anti-Israel activists copy many of their arguments from Norman Finkelstein, a DePaul University political science professor who never forgets to mention that his parents were Holocaust survivors. Despite his trappings of scholarshop, Finkelstein's work has been marred by grave factual inaccuracies, omissions, and extreme bias.