Washington Post Flotilla II Coverage Lost at Sea

 The Washington Post's reputation for investigative journalism, from 1970s Watergate coverage on, is well known. But when it comes to the story behind the much-hyped "Gaza aid flotilla II," The Post doesn't want to know. Late June reporting was a poor example for journalists and a disservice to readers.

Amira Hass Spouts Vitriol on the CBC

Ha'aretz reporter Amira Hass, best known for her extreme hostility toward Israel, was provided a platform on CBC's "The Sunday Edition" with Michael Enright to spout her vitriol against the Jewish state.

Gaza, the Flotilla and the Blockade: Facts and Law

Israel supplies GazaUnder international law Israel has the right to blockade Gaza and stop any flotilla or boats heading there because Hamas has created a state of armed conflict by launching more than 10,000 rockets and mortars into Israel targeting and killing civilians. Despite this, Israel still allows inspected food and other humanitarian goods into Gaza.

Rifat Odeh Kassis Attacks Archbishop of Canterbury

Rifat Odeh Kassis, a long time anti-Israel activist recently attacked the Archbishop of Canterbury over remarks he made about Christians in the Middle East. Kassis  defended Palestinian Muslims against charges the Archbishop did not make.

Inciting in Plain Sight

The Ibdaa Cultural Center which serves the young people living in Deheishe refugee camp allows the interior of its building to be used to incite hostility toward Israel and valorize acts of violence.

Time’s Karl Vick Calls Gaza “Occupied”

When tempted to weigh in on contentious legal debates, Karl Vick should remember that he's not a scholar of international law but a journalist. And his editors should take note that he has shown himself not to be an objective journalist but rather one who feels all-too-comfortable taking sides.