Media Misreport on 1967 Ceasefire Lines

After a policy speech in which Barack Obama said the “1967 lines” should be the basis of a future border between Israelis and Palestinians, major media organizations wrongly announced that the president referenced “1967 borders.” The difference between the two terms — borders and lines — is extremely significant.

UPDATED: B’Tselem Photographer Stages Scene

On Ynet, a staged scene filmed by a B'Tselem photographer stands in for actual reporting. Elior Levi reports without question that the mother of an arrested boy was denied permission to accompany him while the footage proves the opposite.

Seven Facts About Hamas

Regardless of  former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's new "confidence" that "Hamas' return to unified Palestinian governance can increase the likelihood of a two-state solution and a peaceful outcome" or media optimism about Hamas' supposed willingness to observe a truce with Israel, there are seven essential facts about Hamas that have not changed.

The New York Times-J Street Axis

Providing no information about the controversies surrounding J Street, bureau chief Ethan Bronner highlights the group's endorsement of Abbas's position that Israel should negotiate with a group sworn to its destruction while the US foots the bill.

CAMERA Responds to BBC in Spectator

In an essay published in the Spectator, a British news magazine, CAMERA critiques the latest disingenuous attempt by the BBC to defend its one-sided documentary about Jerusalem.

Backgrounder: A Palestinian Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI)

Bibi Abbas ObamaPalestinian leaders have said they will gain statehood via UDI (a Unilateral Declaration of Independence) rather than through negotiations with Israel. This would violate their agreements with Israel as well as US assurances to Israel, and would be likely to provoke violence. It would also be unlikely to actually achieve statehood.