BACKGROUNDER: A Study in Palestinian Duplicity and Media Indifference

Palestinian spokesmen Nabil Sha'ath, Hassan Abdel Rahman, Yasser Abed Rabbo, Ahmed Abdel Rahman and Saeb Erakat took the Western media for a ride in April 2002, loudly proclaiming Israel had committed a "massacre" in Jenin.  Yet, despite copious evidence of their blatant lying, the credibility of these spokesmen with the American press is apparently unaffected.

The Los Angeles Times and the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis

In the critical period of late March through early April, the most striking findings concerning the Los Angeles Times coverage of Palestinian terrorist attacks and the Israeli response concerned headlines and photographs.

The World’s Version of Mideast History

From May 20 through May 24, 2002, The World's Patrick Cox presented a five-part special report entitled "A Middle East History," where he attempted to sum up the complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in brief soundbytes, drawing heavily on Arab propaganda claims, omitting relevant information, and skewing the facts.

AP “Israeli spying” Story an “Urban Myth” According to Justice Department

The Associated Press in March recycled a hoax story (U.S. Deports Israelis Amid Warnings of Espionage Activities) charging that a massive Israeli spy ring has been operating in America, and that "authorities have arrested and deported dozens of young Israelis since early last year who represented themselves as art students in efforts to gain access to sensitive federal office buildings ..."

My Terrorist (2002)

Produced and Directed by Yulie Cohen Gerstel English, Hebrew with English subtitles, Color 58 minutes
"My Terrorist" chronicles the personal journey of the filmmaker from victim of a terrorist attack to advocate for the jailed perpetrator. Gerstel's campaign to free Mihyi serves as the vehicle for her to promote the political agenda she shares with her mentor, Ha'aretz columnist Gideon Levy who also appears in the film. They believe that Palestinians should not be blamed for any action, no matter how heinous.