Chris Hedges, Harper’s, and Israel

Chris Hedges' "A Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising," published in the September/October edition of Harper's, is severely marred by material errors and grave anti-Israel bias.

CAMERA Op-Ed: CNN’s King Abdicates

A striking exchange among several guests on the October 15 edition of "Larry King Live" demonstrated the difference between a journalist who adds to viewers’ understanding of a dangerous world and King’s fawning avoidance of facts which may make his guests feel uncomfortable.

The BBC, the British Press, and the Attack on America

In much of the British press, the tragic and horrific events that shook the world on September 11, 2001 have been cynically used to further anti-Israel sentiment -and the Independent, the Guardian, the Observer, AND the BBC all carried news columns or commentary implicating Israel and U.S. support of Israel as a central cause for the terror attacks...

BACKGROUNDER: Jewish Settlements and the Media

The subject of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza has long provoked severely distorted coverage. Regardless of differing political views on settlement policy, information about the much-reported issue should be factual and balanced.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Scapegoating Israel

In the immediate after-shock of the devastating terror attacks on America, Israel-blamers paused only briefly before charging that Israel's alleged actions against the Palestinians and consequent Arab anger caused the mass murder of Americans.