An Israeli strike in Beirut took out top Hamas operatives, including Saleh Al-Arouri. CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner that the strike is about more than eliminating a top Hamas commander, it is also about sending a message to terrorists: those responsible for October 7th will be held accountable.
The press has helped Hamas by playing into its narrative. Post columnists like Ishaan Tharoor and Karen Attiah have accused the Jewish state of genocide while actively obfuscating Israel's efforts to limit civilian casualties and Hamas's efforts to encourage them. As CAMERA tells the Washington Times, Hamas wants their human shields. And too many in the press want to shield Hamas.
Voice of America, the taxpayer-funded and U.S.-operated news network, is refusing to call Hamas “terrorists,” claiming that neutral language should be used. But as CAMERA tells The Federalist, VOA should heed Elie Wiesel's advice: “Neutrality helps the oppressor.”
Some policymakers and press outlets have argued that the Palestinian Authority should rule Gaza after Hamas loses control. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, this notion is fraught with peril. The PA has rejected peace, supported terrorism and failed to uphold order in the areas that it presently controls.
The Washington Post has accused Israel of genocide. But as CAMERA tells JNS, facts show that Israel is actively working to reduce casualties while Hamas is working to encourage them. But for the Post, Hamas remains a trusted source.
After the Holocaust, many bought into the idea that the best way to prevent the reoccurrence of similar horrors was through education. If the world knows what happened, the thinking went, it’ll never allow such atrocities to repeat. But after the 10/7 Massacre in Israel, we’re seeing a much darker reality about education’s role in shaping society’s attitudes toward atrocities.
In their new book, The Art of Military Innovation: Lessons from the Israel Defense Forces, Edward Luttwak and Eitan Shamir explain that Israel must be more than tough to survive. It must be smart as well.
Both common sense and experience should tell journalists not to trust Hamas, a genocidal U.S.-designated terrorist group that uses human shields. Both journalists and policymakers, including the U.S. Secretary of State, have warned not to do so. But the Washington Post is advocating for trusting the terror organization.
Hamas has a new strategy: human sacrifice. As one former Pentagon official has noted, it is innovative in the worst way. And as CAMERA tells the Washington Times, the terrorist group is counting on the media to help.
The Washington Post is failing. The newspaper can't help but repeat Hamas propaganda. Worse still, the newspaper is literally justifying the greatest slaughter of Jewish civilians since the Holocaust.