Benjamin Netanyahu

A Promised Land: Obama’s Memoirs Malign Israel

A Promised Land
By Barack Obama
Crown Publishing, 2020

The first volume of the 44th American president's memoirs are filled with errors and omissions about Israel. And, as CAMERA's book review shows, they are all one-sided. Worse still, Obama even minimizes Palestinian terrorism.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post’s Appalling Editorial

In a recent editorial, the Washington Post's deputy opinion editor, Jackson Diehl, uses unhinged language and compares Israel's democratic leader to Vladimir Putin. Diehl proceeds to omit crucial facts about both the so-called Iran Deal, as well as IRGC operative Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Reuters Errs on ‘New Settlement’ in Golan Heights

Reuters incorrectly reports that Trump Heights is a new settlement in the Golan Heights. In fact, Trump Heights is the new name of the decades-old tiny community of Kela-Beruchim. Israel has not founded a new community, or "settlement," in the Golan in decades.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Wrong on Shelved Annexation Plan, Settlement Construction

CNN's Fareed Zakaria falsely cited Benjamin Netanyahu's shelved "promise of annexation of the West Bank." But the prime minister's plan involved only Israeli settlements and the Jordan Valley, some 30 percent of the West Bank, not the disputed territory in its entirety. And, contrary to Zakaria's slip, no "new settlements" have been approved.

Foreign Policy’s Faux Pas on Boycotts, Israel, and ‘Annexation’

Foreign Policy claims to “draw on the world’s leading journalists, thinkers, and professionals” in order to “analyze the most significant international trends and events of our times, without regard to ideology or political bias.” But when it comes to recent coverage of Israel that is up for debate.

How Do You Say “Two State Solution” In Hebrew?

Why did Israel Hayom mistranslate Ambassador Ron Dermer's statement about a "two-state solution" into "a solution for two peoples," and what are the implications of the inaccurate translation?

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Role of the Media in Promoting Antisemitism

Antisemitism is both increasing and increasingly mainstreamed. From the halls of Congress to the newsrooms of The Washington Post, our institutions are showing that they aren’t up to the task of confronting it. Indeed, as CAMERA has documented: they're part of the problem.