Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

Backgrounder: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. The group has a long and bloody history, which includes some of the most infamous terrorist attacks perpetrated against the Jewish state, but is often overlooked by the press.

CAMERA Letter in The Baltimore Sun: BDS is Discriminatory

CAMERA takes to the pages of The Baltimore Sun to educate readers about the discriminatory nature of the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, which has links to U.S.-designated terror groups.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Rise of Fatah, Fifty Years On

Widely overlooked by the press, Fatah’s rise to power fifty years ago was one of the most important events in the modern Middle East, entrenching an authoritarian model of political rule for Palestinians. The media, and Arafat's skills at self-promotion, played an important role.

Haaretz’s Mordechai Kremnitzer Can’t Pass On the Weimar Comparison

Haaretz's Mordechai Kremnitzer cites the manslaughter indictment of a Jewish teen accused of throwing a rock which killed Aisha Mohammed Rabi to compare Israel to Weimar Germany, a smear that he bases on the false suggestion that Palestinians suspected of the same crime against Jews are invariably charged with murder.

NY Times Described Deadly Drive-By Shooting as “Bold”

The New York Times had described the Palestinian killing of unsuspecting Israelis waiting at a bus stop before he fled in a getaway car as a "bold" attack. The newspaper should do better. (And it eventually did.)

CAMERA Op-Ed: Hezbollah Takes Over Lebanon’s Ministry of Health, Media is M.I.A

Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based, Iranian-backed terror group, is set to control Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health. Although Lebanon is ostensibly a U.S. ally—and a major recipient of U.S. aid—the fact that a terrorist group is about to control a major governmental post has received little to no coverage from the Western press.