NY Times Recasts Nazis, Collaborator, as Anti-Zionists

If an antisemitic leader works hand-in-hand with antisemitic Nazis to spread anti-Jewish propaganda and encourage Nazi soldiers, why does the New York Times avoid describing the partnership as antisemitic? Apparently, it's because this particular Nazi ally was a Palestinian leader.

Black Lives Matter, JVP’s Deadly Exchange, and Israel

When legitimate grievances are co-opted and hijacked by opportunists seeking support for their own causes — under the guise of intersectionality — problems will inevitably arise. The exploiting of George Floyd's death to demonize Israel is based on JVP's anti-Semitic "Deadly Exchange" campaign. It's clear that despite the pretense of interest in African-American causes, its real goal is just to delegitimize the Jewish state.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Role of the Media in Promoting Antisemitism

Antisemitism is both increasing and increasingly mainstreamed. From the halls of Congress to the newsrooms of The Washington Post, our institutions are showing that they aren’t up to the task of confronting it. Indeed, as CAMERA has documented: they're part of the problem.