Conflict and War

CAMERA Expert and Journalists Collide at Knesset Meeting

Along with foreign journalists, CAMERA's Tamar Sternthal was invited to testify at a Knesset subcommittee meeting on media bias. Do the reporters' proclamations of professionalism and objectivity hold up to scrutiny?

Washington Post Confuses about 2014 Gaza War

The ‘fog of war sometimes comes with ‘the fog of journalism.’ That's when impercison undermines accuracy. Here The Washington Post obscures causes of the 2014 Hamas-Israel war in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian culpability dwindles.

Al-Jazeera English Airs ‘Nakba’ Myth

In May-June 2013, the Qatar-based Arabic satellite television channel aired its 'Nakba' (catastrophe) film depicting a one-sided version of Israel's struggle for independence.

Sun Sentinel Columnist Gets Facts Wrong

Pierre Tristam gets a number of facts wrong in an op-ed published in Florida's Sun Sentinel. He falsely claims Gazans can't fish in the Mediterranean (they can) and that they cannot trade with the outside world. They do.

Updated: PBS Gaza Coverage Partisan, Shoddy, Unbalanced

PBS’ "Newshour" aired back-to-back stories about Gaza and Israel resuming normal life. The Gaza segment is filled with civilians and devastation. In contrast, viewers do not see a single Israeli victim of Hamas rockets, nor is there one shot of destruction in southern Israel.

Memo to the Media: Check Those Civilian Casualty Claims

In Operation Pillar of Defense, some media, relying on Palestinian sources, exaggerate the proportion of civilian casualties in Gaza. They give less weight to Israeli figures and ignore the fact that 2 out of 3 fatalities are men between ages 18-40.

Michael Oren: Media Perpetuate Hamas Strategy

In a Washington Post op-ed, Israel's ambassador to the United States writes, “Hamas knows that it cannot destroy us militarily but believes that it might do so through the media."