Conflict and War

NY Post Remaps Israeli Highway Under Fire

UPDATED: Islamic Jihad fired a rocket which slammed into a highway in Gan Yavne, in central Israel, narrowly missing passing cars. CAMERA prompts correction after The New York Post incorrectly located that intersection "near Israel-Gaza border."

CNN Rewrites History of 1948, 1967 Wars

UPDATED: CAMERA prompts correction after CNN's Sam Kiley absurdly claimed that Israel fought in the 1948 and 1967 wars "to expand territory." In fact, Israel fought to prevent Arab campaigns to annihilate the Jewish state.

Forbes Fibs on Netanyahu’s Alleged Warmongering

Jim Krane, of Rice University's Baker Institute, alleged in Forbes that "the Israeli president has been braying for America to attack Iran, just as he urged Congress to do in Iraq," and tenaciously clung to the unfounded falsehood when challenged about its veracity.

New York Times Rewrites History Claiming Most Jaffa Arabs Expelled in 1948

Contradicting both the High Commissioner and Jaffa Arabs who lived through the events, editors of The New York Times, in Manhattan, rewrote history, falsely reporting that in 1948 "most of Jaffa's Arab residents were forcibly removed from their homes." The falsehood appears in the context of a "correction," no less.
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New York Times Conceals Inconvenient Facts in Coverage of UN Gaza Report

In covering the UN Human Rights Council's Gaza report, the New York Times misleads readers about Palestinian demands for a “right of return,” ignores widespread international criticism of the UNHRC’s anti-Israel bias, and conceals accounts of gunfire and explosives used by rioters.