
CAMERA Op-Ed: Hezbollah Takes Over Lebanon’s Ministry of Health, Media is M.I.A

Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based, Iranian-backed terror group, is set to control Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health. Although Lebanon is ostensibly a U.S. ally—and a major recipient of U.S. aid—the fact that a terrorist group is about to control a major governmental post has received little to no coverage from the Western press.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Germany’s Underreported Relationship with Iran

Evidence of Germany’s affinity for Iran—and vice versa—is abundant, if often ignored by press and policymakers alike. The underreported relationship between the two nations stretches back more than a century and has profound implications for the future.

Hezbollah Backgrounder: 2016

Ten years after the 2016 Hezbollah-Israel war, CAMERA provides the essential details on the terror group that are too often missing from news coverage

Iranian Hezbollah Threatens Former Iranian Presidents

Iranian Hezbollah has warned two of the country's former presidents against undermining the country's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Yet, print media shouldn't mistake divisions as a sign of "moderation."

For BBC, Real Israel is “Hard to Imagine”

An anonymous BBC source in Lebanon says that Israel is "laughing" at the upheaval on its northern border, and Beirut correspondent Jim Muir concurs, explaining that it is "hard to imagine Israel not being happy." But one doesn't need a vivid imagination to understand Israeli concerns.