CAMERA prompts correction of a Times of Israel headline which confounded the assailant with the victim. A Palestinian mob threw rocks at the car of an Israeli woman and tried to drag her from the vehicle. Israeli bystanders shot one of her attackers.
CAMERA prompts correction of a Times of Israel headline and article which charged: "Palestinian child said shot by Israeli driver in West Bank." The new headline reads: "Palestinian child shot while playing with gun."
CAMERA prompts correction of a Los Angeles Times headline which falsely claimed "Israel will allow police to fire live ammunition at protesters," as if the cabinet's decision enabled the use of live fire on those waving flags and shouting slogans.
After receiving communication from CAMERA indicating that even a Palestinian NGO didn't support the Palestinian government's claim that 60 were killed since July, Reuters refiles the story.
CAMERA's Israel office prompts a Ha'aretz correction on a photo caption which wrongly identified Israeli stone-throwers as Palestinians. AFP, the agency which supplied the erroneous caption, has yet to publish a correction.
Following communication from Presspectiva, CAMERA's Hebrew branch, Ha'aretz has corrected a column by Anshel Pfeffer which had wrongly blamed Israel for the death of four-year-old Gazan Mahmoud Sadallah.
Following communication from CAMERA staff, the Los Angeles Times has clarified an article which wrongly identified Ramez Harb, an Islamic Jihad leader killed last week in an Israeli air strike, as a "Palestinian journalist."
Following communication from CAMERA staff and readers, Yahoo! News editors have changed a photo montage headline which falsely identified Israeli children fleeing rocket attacks as "Gaza's children caught in crossfire."
In response to communication from CAMERA, CNN editors vastly improve yesterday's egregious coverage of Gaza violence which had omitted mention of Israeli injured, had stated that an Israeli army jeep was "target[ed]" whereas it was actually hit, and had reversed cause and effect.
CAMERA staff have elicited a correction on a Los Angeles Times article this week which wrongly identified the Israeli civilian killed in a June terror attack as a soldier.