How Extremism is Being Exported from Ramallah to American Campuses

“We find Harvard’s relationship with Birzeit University…to be extremely concerning,” reads a July 15 letter sent by nearly thirty members of Congress to Harvard University’s Interim President Alan Garber. Wait until Congress hears about Birzeit’s relationship with another Ivy League institution, Brown University.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Brown University Sends a Message that Extremism Works

As American universities are aflame with extremism, antisemitism, and lawlessness, universities have only themselves to blame for the decades-long promotion of faculty members who abuse their role to indoctrinate students in “resistance”. By rewarding bad behavior over respectful dialogue, they are sowing the seeds of yet more chaos and lawlessness.

CAMERA Op-Ed: “Glorifying Atrocities: The Case of Brown University”

After the Holocaust, many bought into the idea that the best way to prevent the reoccurrence of similar horrors was through education. If the world knows what happened, the thinking went, it’ll never allow such atrocities to repeat. But after the 10/7 Massacre in Israel, we’re seeing a much darker reality about education’s role in shaping society’s attitudes toward atrocities.