Allegations and Libels

CAMERA Op-Ed: Time to Break the Code of Silence About “‘Til Kingdom Come”

Maya Zinshtein and Abraham (Abie) haven’t said a word publicly about the well-documented problems with their film. They haven’t admitted to the allegations. They haven’t denied them. They haven’t even tried the old defense that the quotes were fake, but accurate. They’ve said nothing. Not one word. And the people in the documentary filmmaking community have let them get away with it. No one in this community has called them to task — at least not publicly. 

NPR Slipping Back to Its Anti-Israel, Biased Reporting

In July so far, NPR aired at least three problematic reports, that shared a common thread –  omitting context and hearing from anti-Israel activists to blame Israel for dispossessing and discriminating against Palestinians and stirring conflict. It was a throwback to the NPR of the past.

Updated June 14: Scientific American Removes Article Promoting BDS

The venerable, American popular science magazine has become the latest venue for anti-Israel defamation. Why would editors cast aside the scientific tradition of fact-based inquiry in order to present pro-terrorist propaganda and the promotion of BDS in the guise of an analytic article?