
AFP Misleads on ‘Newly-Established’ Eviatar

Agence France Presse captions misleadingly refer to Palestinian protesters' proximity to "the newly-established Israeli wildcat settler outpost of Eviatar," without giving any indication that the outpost was fully evacuated a week earlier.

Times of Israel Clarifies Land Status of Evyatar Outpost

CAMERA prompts correction of Times of Israel articles which stated as fact unverified Palestinian claims of ownership of land where the illegal outpost of Evyatar sits. The Civil Administration has yet to determine the land's ownership.

VOA Corrects: Israel Not Advancing 5000 Settlements

CAMERA prompts a swift correction at Voice of America after an editing error resulted in the mistaken claim that Israel announced plans to advance 5000 settlements. In fact, the announcement concerned 5000 housing units within several existing settlements.