Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

Suicide Killers (2006)

Produced and Directed by Pierre Rehov English, Arabic, Hebrew with English subtitles; 80 minutes
In his seventh documentary, French filmmaker Pierre Rehov, investigates the motives and driving forces behind suicide attackers through interviews with psychologists, terrorism experts, family members, victims, and most compellingly, with failed and would-be suicide killers themselves.

Times Magazine Profile of Livni Mangles Key Issues

A New York Times Magazine profile of Israeli politician Tzipi Livni by Roger Cohen falsely portrayed Israel as violating U.N. resolutions, and falsely portrayed the Palestinians as opposing suicide bombings and favoring a two-state solution.

LA Times Gives Platform to Genocidal Terrorist

An LA Times Op-Ed by Mousa Abu Marzook, identified only as "the deputy of the political bureau of Hamas" is full of outrageous falsehoods and inaccuracies which seek to justify the unjustifiable — the murder of innocent Israeli civilians.

New York Times Publishes Photo of Smiling Terrorist

The photo accompanying a NY Times' film review showed the smiling face of Ahlam Tamimi. That Tamimi was the unrepentant terrorist who assisted in the suicide bombing of a pizza shop, killing 16, was not mentioned.

Is Israel Responsible for Palestinian Healthcare Woes?

Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, the prestigious British medical journal, exploits his position to blame Israel for Palestinian healthcare problems in a lengthy article in the New York Review of Books.

CAMERA Prompts IHT Corrections

CAMERA staff prompted the following corrections on an International Herald Tribune Op-Ed by Patrick Seale.