Allegations and Libels

Politico in search of spies

Spy Stories, This Time in Politico

Politico is hunting Israeli spies, part of an unfortunate Washington reality that stories about US intelligence breaches are often exploited to charge Israel with spying on the United States. The Politico story charges – without any obvious evidence – that Israel was responsible for planting cell site simulators to eavesdrop on US officials, including President Trump.

PBS NewsHour Propaganda Piece Attacks Israel with Bogus Exploding Bullets Charge

PBS Newshour has once again grossly deceived its audience, with a propaganda piece that could have come directly from Hamas’ playbook. Coming more than a year after the start of the terror organization’s “Great March of Return,” the report twists those violent riots into an indictment of Israel’s military response.

Gilad Atzmon, his Defenders, and their Enablers

Gilad Atzmon hates Jews, denies the Holocaust, and plays the saxophone. The greater concern is that his defenders, professors at prestigious universities, have faced few consequences for endorsing the extreme bigot.