
CAMERA Responds to Galloway Coverage in Boston Paper

One week after British Member of Parliament George Galloway was able to portray himself as a man of peace in a local Boston newspaper, CAMERA revealed the man's role as an apologist for murderers and dictators in the Middle East.

Is the Goldstone Report Escalating the Conflict?

Israeli commentators are sounding the alarm on the potentially devastating consequences of the Goldstone report on the stability of the situation in the West Bank. Outside of Israel, the media has fallen behind on evolving events.

Sixth Fatah Congress: The Myth of Moderation

The media has long promoted Fatah — in contrast to Hamas — as the party of Palestinian political moderates seeking peace with Israel, while glossing over evidence to the contrary. An example of this was coverage by some media outlets of the Sixth Fatah General Congress, the first such conference in twenty years, which has just concluded.

Abbas the “Relative Moderate”

The Palestinian Authority and its president, Mahmoud Abbas — moderate, or relative moderate? The Washington Post recently referred to Abbas' Fatah movement as "Hamas' relatively moderate rival." But "relative" to Hamas does not mean "moderate."

Is Fatah Moderate?

Following Hamas' violent takeover of Gaza, Israel is called upon to bolster Palestinian "moderates"– i.e. the Fatah movement and its leaders–as a bulwark against the Hamas extremists. But how moderate is Fatah?

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.